Mitchell Sweet

Full-Stack Mobile Engineer


  • Swift/Objective-C
  • Java/Kotlin
  • Node.js
  • HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • MySQL
  • Photoshop/Sketch

Class projects can be found at


Website Link

When friends are together, crazy stuff happens. One of which being ridiculous quotes and quips which are hilarious especially out of context. QuoteJar allows you to make a jar for your friend group. Whether it be your roommates, travel buddies, club, team, dance crew, pretty much anything works. You can create as many jars as you want! QuoteJars aren't just for you on your phone, they're stored in the cloud! Your friends can easily be added by email so everyone can contribute and read quotes whenever they want! Backend written in Node.js. Mobile application written in Swift. Uses MySql database. Live on the App Store.

Station Controller

Website Link

Station Controller automates a model roller coaster, making it easy for the operators to control it and fun for guests to interact with it. The Arduino controls motors in the station that power the coaster's lift hill and dispatch system, as well as open and close the station gates. The two part iOS application allows operators to wirelessly control all aspects of the model while guests can control the station gates and dispatch the train using the guest UI. Written in Swift and Arduino C++. Open source on GitHub.


App Store Link

taskIt is a fun and simple app which will help you be productive and organize your life. You can add standalone tasks or you can add events, which group tasks for one specific purpose. If you have trouble focusing on a task, Hyper Focus will help you manage your breaks and even tell you to stay focused when you pick up your phone.


GitHub Link

FLIC, or Fantastic Light Illumination Controller, is a smart home device that uses IR LEDs to control an assortment of smart home devices, specifically IR lights. FLIC consists of two parts, the device and the app. The device consists of an Arduino connected to the HM-10 bluetooth chip and an IR LED. The user can use the app to control the lights through the Arduino. Written in Swift and Arduino C++. Open source on GitHub.

Music Playground

GitHub Link

Music Playground is a Swift Playground which I created for my WWDC 17 scholarship submission. Allows you to easily create simple music by using three different shapes which each play a different part of the song. Written in Swift, winner of WWDC17 scholarship. open source on GitHub. , video demonstration on YouTube.

RIT Theme Park Enthusiasts Website

Website link

This website, the official website of the Rochester Institute of Technology Theme Park Enthusiasts, is more than just a landing page. While it does feature informative public facing info showcasing the club, it also includes a members-only portal with profiles, newsfeed, club wide chat, and drive. Eboard members can edit member accounts and information on the public site, this way a web developer is not required to update the site's information. Written in PHP, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Open source on GitHub.

This website!

A personal website that I created to tell people about what I love to do, projects I have created, and how to contact me. Written in HTML, CSS and JS, open source on GitHub.

More of my projects are on my GitHub

School Email:

Personal Email: